June 2017 Board Meeting

  1. Transfer of responsibilities
    1. August 1st is the official transfer between boards
    2. Bank account
      1. Just need minutes and form
        1. Don will confirm
      2. No liabilities forseen
        1. Insurance due in late August
          1. Agreed to just send the check
          2. Sheldon will write and send the check to insurance before transfer
    3. Square and login
      1. Zach and Sheldon will sit together
      2. Sheldon will transfer Square and checkbooks to Zach
    4. Membership and roster
      1. Transfer at July meeting
      2. Membership
        1. Dues due August 1st
        2. Online payments ready
        3. Multiple membership types
          1. Dan will follow up with Andy on the AHA
          2. Tax ID is needed
    5. Old Notes
  2. Liabilities
    1. Membership
      1. What is our anticipated membership loss?
    2. Taxes
      1. What is obligation to report?
        1. 5k? 7k?
  3. Matt’s Birthday
    1. July 20th
    2. Placed on the meeting agenda for July
  4. Beer of the Quarter,
    1. August meeting – Kolsh
      1. Recipe posting
        1. Make your own or brew a club recipe that will be posted
        2. Matt will post a link to the recipe
      2. Intended to be simple and fun
      3. Score sheets
        1. Sticking with a web form
          1. Post mortem reference
        2. Standard way to capture method
    2. Recognition for best beer of the quarter
      1. Fun trophy
        1. Traveling trophy
        2. Small trophies
          1. Keep forever
          2. Tasting rack
        3. Useable or just for fun?
          1. No t-shirts
          2. Plaque in the back room?
            1. Zach will check with Andy and get quotes
      2. People list their top three
        1. Recorded via tablet or tickets in coffee cans
      3. Voting is a good thing
        1. Poker chips for voting
    3. Next two quarter beers
      1. October
        1. Oktoberfest
      2. January/February
        1. Based on Kings and Convicts
  5. Club moving forward
    1. Theme
      1. Fewer bigger better
  6. July Meeting agenda
    1. New board for July meeting
    2. Treasurer’s Report
      1. Sheldon and Zach are meeting 30 minutes before the meeting
    3. Meeting topics
      1. Barrels
        1. We need to fill them or find a place for them
        2. Agree to fill it or sell it
        3. Club agreed to keep two
          1. Referendum to club: fill or not
            1. If not, sell them
            2. If yes, what to fill it with?
              1. Brett IPA
      2. Overview of Kolsch style?
        1. Do a Kolsch review in August
          1. Short and sweet
        2. Reminder in July
      3. Kings and Convicts
        1. Open for Homebrew competition
          1. Open to other clubs
        2. Proceeds go to charity
        3. NUBS event but Kings and Convicts picks the style or a couple of styles
          1. Bring to a vote at the next meeting
            1. Do we or do we not partner with Kings and Convicts to do Homebrew competition
              1. Charity or just NUBS
          2. Publicity for the club
      4. Getting out and do something as a club
        1. This is what we would like to do for the September
          1. Plenty of breweries to visit in Lake County
        2. In lieu or addition of a meeting
          1. Creates relationship with other entities
          2. Separate event
        3. Mikerphone
          1. Contact them to set up private tour
      5. Any additional topics?
        1. Mission statement/vision
        2. Break out sessions with board members
        3. Welcome committee
  7. New board roles and responsibilities
    1. To be discussed at first new board meeting